What is Gynaecomastia?
Gynaecomastia (sometimes referred to as “man boobs”) is a common condition that causes boys’ and men’s breasts to swell and become larger than normal. It is most common in teenage boys and older men.
What causes Gynaecomastia?
Hormone imbalance
Gynaecomastia can be caused by an imbalance between the sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen. Oestrogen causes breast tissue to grow. While all men produce some oestrogen, they usually have much higher levels of testosterone, which stops the oestrogen from causing breast tissue to grow.If the balance of hormones in the body changes, this can cause a man’s breasts to grow. Sometimes, the cause of this imbalance is unknown.
Being very overweight (obese) is a common cause of gynaecomastia – this is because being overweight can increase levels of oestrogen, which can cause breast tissue to grow. If you’re overweight you’re also more likely to have excess fat that can enlarge the breast tissue. For some people losing weight or doing more exercise can help but this may not always improve the condition.
During puberty, boys’ hormone levels vary. If the level of testosterone drops, oestrogen can cause breast tissue to grow. Many teenage boys have some degree of breast enlargement. Gynaecomastia at puberty usually clears up as boys get older and their hormone levels become more stable.
Am I a candidate for Gynecomastia treatment?
Healthy Men of any age who are conscious of their chest size.
Why did Gynecomastia happen to men?
Although the majority of cases happen due to unknown aetiology (idiopathic) but certain drugs such as anabolic steroids, Alcohol, Marijuana etc. & some diseases like Impaired Liver function, cancers etc. may cause Enlargement of the Male Breast.
Do I need to undergo Gynecomastia Surgery?
During Consultation, you will be asked about your expectations. The surgeon will evaluate your chest size, glandular enlargement, skin quality & determine what can be achieved.
What is Gynecomastia Surgery?
Typically, it involves Liposuction done through a small stab incision in the axilla, to remove the excess fatty & Glandular tissues. If a Glandular tissue is firm, it needs to be excised by a small incision in the periareolar area. In Post Bariatric cases, Skin excision may also be needed. Dr Samir has been pioneer of crisscross liposuction for gynaecomastia, which gives best results.
What is Gynecomastia Surgery?
Typically, it involves Liposuction done through a small stab incision in the axilla, to remove the excess fatty & Glandular tissues. If a Glandular tissue is firm, it needs to be excised by a small incision in the periareolar area. In Post Bariatric cases, Skin excision may also be needed. Dr Samir has been pioneer of crisscross liposuction for gynaecomastia, which gives best results.
Is gynecomastia surgery safe?
In general, surgery for gynecomastia is incredibly safe and most patients have smooth recoveries. Despite the greatest attention to safety on the part of the patient and surgeon, complications can occur.
Is gynecomastia surgery painful?
After gynecomastia surgery, you should notice an immediate improvement in the shape and appearance of your chest. While you may feel sore for a few days, pain is usually minimal and we have our pain management team to take care of your pain aspect.
Will my Chest look Normal after Gynecomastia Treatment? Will I have loose skin?
Gynecomastia Surgery will result in a firm, flat & more contoured chest. Skin because of its elastic property will reshape to chest new contour. Results are permanent.
Will there be any scar after Gynecomastia treatment?
There is small (5-6mm)scar at the entry point of Liposuction ports, which will be hidden in an Axillary crease. There may be some scarring in the Nipple-Areola region but it fades away with time
Does gynecomastia surgery remove entire gland?
Dr Samir performs the procedure through a one-inch incision, made on the underside of the areola surrounding the nipple and with complete removal of gland.
How can I proceed with Gynecomastia Surgery?
After consultation with the surgeon, you will be asked to get a few blood tests done, to ascertain your general fitness for Gynecomastia Surgery. Gynecomastia or Male Breast reduction is a daycare procedure. You are asked to come to the clinic in the morning.Gynecomastia is done under Sedation/General Anesthesia. The Gynecomastia Surgery lasts for 1-2hrs on an average.You will be shifted to your room after that. Your Chest would be wrapped in gauze dressings.You can go back home in the evening.There may be some Postoperative Swelling and bruising over the chest, but it settles down fast.
Follow Up?
First, follow up on the 3rd day after Gynecomastia surgery. Your gauze dressings would be removed and will be asked to wear a pressure garment for at least 1-3 months.After that, you will be called on the 7th day for stitch removal.
When can I resume my normal activities after Gynecomastia surgery?
You can resume your chorus in the evening. But we advise you to keep your activities restricted for at least 3 days. Vigorous movements of the arm may be restricted for a 2-3 weeks.
What does Gynecomastia Surgery cost in Mumbai& Goa?
Evolve Cosmetic Clinics are a cost-effective destination for your Gynecomastia Treatment or Gynecomastia surgery in Mumbai. Here Procedures are performed as per International standards at Indian prices.